The Capsa (2021)
The Capsa is an outcome after participating Pei-Ying Lin's workshop "Discourse of a Viral Boundary", which is discovering the possible scenario if the certain virus starts to affect people's life.
Based on the scenario I have set, an unknown virus was set free from underground prostitution activities in Taiwan, and because prostitution is still illegal in Taiwan, and morally embarrassing, the spreading of the virus was untraceable at the very beginning for the government official.
The Capsa was created under this scenario as a space for human beings to discover their relationship between the virus, believes, and desires.
The Capsa was exhibited in Zone2Source, NL under the exhibition of Pei-Ying Lin and Yi-Fei Chen's "Discourse of a Viral Boundary" workshop.
And after 1 month of the creation of The Capsa, there was an outbreak of COVID 19 that happened in Taiwan, and it was exactly started from an underground prostitution activity which really creates a delay and difficulties for the health organization to trace the start.

1. The forest maze
It’s a maze constructed by columns that can be implanted with different lighting and sound to distract and confused people nearby, so people can easily enter the space by covered by a confusing background.
2.The entrance
The entrance is a wide and smooth opening, to welcome patients to join the secret journey.
3. The purification
This is the space that the patient will enter initially. The patient will be clean and washed in this room, at the same time his problem will also be diagnosed in order to give proper therapy recommendations to the patient.
4. The practice chamber
The main space to conduct therapy including body-contact sex therapy. It’s also space which is resembled a church.
5. The gravity room
This is the space in which the patient’s final stop before leaving. He will receive a very unique gift embodied on his/her body, which will always remind him of this special treatment and the new identity of him/her.
The exit looks very small and closed from the outside, implying an end of a life period.